Design Methodology
Urban Green Design Ltd. takes a rigorous approach to its design methodology. By keeping the process consistent, we have found that the most unique, innovative, sustainable, personalized, affordable, functional and durable projects can be achieved.
We practice a holistic design philosophy. Our universal approach to sustainability is an integral driver in the design process and an inherent element of the building aesthetic. Ecological, Social and Economic sustainability are our three principal areas of development.
Ecological sustainability is achieved through a comprehensive LEED strategy, development of low energy consumption with the potential to be net-zero or carbon neutral and the restoration of natural habitat where feasible. It also includes strategies for environmentally sensitive material usage, water efficiency and improved indoor air quality.
Social sustainability is achieved through understanding the necessity of community interaction and a human scale relationship, and it seeks to enhance and enliven the local community. Universal design strategies are also a driving force in social sustainability. A final consideration of social sustainability is education of the end user. Through education of the end user, a client can achieve a higher level of overall sustainability.
Economic sustainability is achieved through reduction of construction, operation and maintenance costs due to material durability, life cycle costing strategies and energy and water efficiencies as well as a flexibility and balance in the program that can create financial feasibility.