Sunnyside Dog Park Master Plan
Sunnyside Dog Park has been designed to enhance the atmosphere of the overall park as well as provide a space for community members to let their dogs off leash to socialize with other dogs. The dog park is designed to have three off leash dog areas, a courtyard for community socialization and activities, and several holistic sustainable features. Through this development, the dog park can foster community interaction and promote a better community environment.
Some of the basic features of the dog park are: an aesthetically designed fence/green screen, double gated entries and truck access gates, centralized waste areas and water stations, trash and recycling receptacles, benches and tables for patrons, solar powered lighting, and two types of heavy traffic turf and hardscape. Additional features will include environmental benefits for the community, an added aesthetic value to the existing park and an enhanced experience when using the park.
The dog park layout includes two large dog areas and one small dog area with the size of these areas determined using the amount of impact that the size of these dogs will have upon the turf. The main entry into the dog park will be a pass through courtyard that will provide an environment for gatherings such as pet adoption days. The area will include a rain garden, butterfly canopies, a permeable brick paver hardscape, swale bridges, a storage area, and a below-grade rain water collection tank. Surrounding several sides of the dog park will be several developed natural barriers including earth berms, bio-swales to collect rain water runoff, and an Eastern Red Cedar wind break. Each of these features has benefits to both the dog park as well as the rest of Sunnyside Park and surrounding neighborhood.